Quantum finite automata using quantum logic

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Authors :

Jismy Joseph 1 * and K.S. Dersanambika 2

Author Address :

1 Department of Mathematics, Carmel College, Mala, Thrissur-680732, Kerala, India.
2 Department of Mathematics, Fatima Mata National College, Kollam-691001, Kerala , India.

*Corresponding author.

Abstract :

Two types of Quantum Finite Automata are, the Measure once quantum finite automata (MO-QFA) proposed by Moore and Crutchfield cite{mc} and the Many measure one-way quantum finite automata(MM-QFA) proposed by Kondacs and Waltrous cite{kw}. In both cases it is proved that the language accepted is a subset of regular language. In this paper we define a Quantum Finite Automata using quantum logic. The logic underlying Quantum mechanics is not a Boolean algebra. It is an orthomodular lattice. This logic is called quantum logic By using this logic we study about various properties of QFA’s.

Keywords :

Quantum Logic, Orthomodular lattice, Quantum Finite Automata, Quantum Regular Language.



Article Info :

Received : July 24, 2018; Accepted : November 22, 2018.