On vertex-edge corona of graphs and its spectral polynomial





Given a graph \(G_1\), the vertex-corona (corona) and the edge-corona focus only on vertices and edges respectively, in forming the corona product with other graphs. In the present work, we define a new corona by considering both vertices and edges simultaneously in forming the corona aproduct with other graphs, called vertex-edge corona. Further, we study the spectral polynomial for the vertex-edge corona of three arbitrary graphs, followed by some corollaries related to regular graphs for their spectrum, energy and equienergetic graphs.


vertex-corona, edge-corona, vertex-edge corona, spectral polynomial

Mathematics Subject Classification:

  • Pages: 156-162
  • Date Published: 01-04-2024
  • Vol. 12 No. 02 (2024): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

Patil, D., and H. Ramane. “On Vertex-Edge Corona of Graphs and Its Spectral Polynomial”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 12, no. 02, Apr. 2024, pp. 156-62, doi:10.26637/mjm1202/002.